Past Communications

Message Sent 12/4: Varsity Team Meals & Inhaler/Epipens

1. The following is how we will be dealing with team meals this season at the varsity level.

When we travel to an away game we will eat before the game at Great Lakes Mall. We will give the players info about what to eat, and they then can choose from the options in the food court. They will need money for their meal at Great Lakes. Chocolate Milk and Banana will be provided after the game for recovery.

Varsity will have a meal provided by Mrs. Ales for the home games. A meal plan was developed to provide all the nutrients needed for adolescents during the growth phase of life and competition. The cost of the meals are $7.00 which will include post game banana and Chocolate milk for recovery. Chocolate milk has been proven to be a quality recovery drink after hard athletic activity. The question was asked can the meals be paid for in advance, and the answer is yes. If paid for in advance for all 9 home games the cost would be $63.00. If you wish to pay in advance and wish to use a check, it should be made out to Oakland Christian.

If your son has an allergy to Chocolate Milk please let me know.

2. If your son has an inhaler or epipen we will need one to keep in the med. kit. The reasoning behind is that when an incident occurs the athlete usually has it in their bag in a locked locker and time is of the essence.



Message Sent 12/4: Basketball Info

Dear Parents and Players,

Well, the season will begin tomorrow at Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes. I hope you are as excited about the season as I am. Wanted to email you with some information.

1. With the season beginning this is to inform you that varsity communication will be coming from me, and JV email communications will be sent to the JV families from Coach Molnar. His email address is If you have questions in regards to JV please direct them to him.

 2. Items that needed to be returned if not done so already.
            a. Player Contract signed – copy attached for parents to see
            b. Parent Notebook signature page signed – copy attached
            c. Medication Form signed
3. Team Philosophies
a. Varsity – Play to win within the rules and players may or may not play in each game.
b. JV – The goal is that everyone plays but the time will not be equal.
4. Schedules
Schedules can be found at the following locations due to the fact that is malfunctioning.
a.     Week Schedule - Athletics Home page of
b.     Weekly Schedule –
c.      PDF Game Schedule - Schedules link on the athletics plage
d.     Full Varsity/JV Practice and Game Schedule – CH Calendar link at
5. Coach hub
If you have not received an invite from coach hub please let me know so we can get that corrected. Everyone has been sent an invite. is the location of all the volunteer events for this winter season.
You should have received an invitation from If you have not please contact Patty Harvey in the athletic office for the invite. The OCS requirement is 10 hours if your oldest athlete is a high school athlete. That would be each of you unless you were a team parent in a previous sport. Please sign up but understand others need to serve as well.
7. Team Parent
Each team will need a team parent. The team parent would email families with volunteer openings trying to help the athletic office fill the spots. An email list would be provided to the team parent for communication with the families. A team parent would fulfill their athletic service hours for the entire school no matter the number of sports an athlete plays.
Steve Sumner has volunteered to be the team parent for varsity. We are still in need of a team parent for the junior varsity.
8. Christmas Tournament
The JV and Varsity will be participating in a Christmas Tournament. The first game is on Friday, December 28. The JV will play at 12:00 pm and the Varsity will play at 6:00 pm. Saturday, December 29 times will depend on the results of Friday night. Depending on the results of Friday night, JV will play at either 12:00 or 1:30 pm. The Varsity will play at either 6:00 or 7:30 pm.

Thank you for all your help in advance,

Coach Hopkins


Message Sent 11/9: Basketball Info - Practice

I hope all is well. You are receiving this email because your son has indicated they are playing or shown interest in playing basketball this year.

If your son is planning to play, they must have a physical on file in the athletic office in order to participate in practice. The three forms required to play are attached to this email.

Because volleyball has continued to win it has created a scheduling issue for our first week (Great problem to have!). The following is the schedule through Tuesday. The times listed first for Wednesday through Saturday indicate the time if volleyball continues to advance. The second indicates the time if they are eliminated. I will be changing the times on coachhub and as the week progresses.

Saturday conditioning 9:00-10:30 am Main gym
Monday 7:00-9:00 pm Main Gym
Tuesday 3:00-5:00 pm Main gym
Wednesday 5:00-7:00 pm Main Gym; 3:00-5:30 pm Main Gym
Thursday 6:30-8:30 pm Main Gym; 3:00-5:00 pm Main Gym
Friday 7:00-9:00 pm Main Gym; 5:00-8:00 pm Main Gym
Saturday 4:00-7:00 pm Main Gym; 9:00-12:00 noon Main Gym

If you have not brought in your 24 count of 20 oz Gatorade and 50 count box of chip please do so. We have been raising money to offset the cost of gear for the players and have done well. Sam's and Costco are a great place to get them.

For those that have ordered shoes, they are in. Please turn in your payment if you have not. Once payment is received you will receive your shoes.

If your son participated in the FT-a-thon, please turn in your donations with addresses so we can make sure the individuals get their tax deductible receipts.

Message Sent 11/2:

Because of exams the last three conditioning segments will be as follows:
11/3 - 9:00-10:30 a.m.
11/5 - 6:30-7:15 a.m.
11/10 - 9:00-10:30 a.m.
The first day of practice is 11/12. The current schedule is 3:00-5:00 p.m. The time or location could change based on the success of the volleyball team. Players must have a physical in the office in order to participate on 11/12.

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